"""Client module for SPARCL.
This module interfaces to the SPARC-Server to get spectra data.
# python -m unittest tests.tests_api
# ### Run tests against DEV
# serverurl=http://localhost:8050 python -m unittest tests.tests_api
# ### Run tests Against PAT Server.
# export serverurl=https://sparc1.datalab.noirlab.edu/
# python -m unittest tests.tests_api
# Doctest example:
# cd ~/sandbox/sparclclient
# activate
# python sparcl/client.py
# ## Returns NOTHING if everything works, else lists errors.
# Python Standard Library
from urllib.parse import urlencode, urlparse
from warnings import warn
import pickle
import getpass
#!from pathlib import Path
import tempfile
# External Packages
import requests
#!from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from requests.auth import AuthBase
# Local Packages
from sparcl.fields import Fields
import sparcl.utils as ut
import sparcl.exceptions as ex
#!import sparcl.type_conversion as tc
from sparcl import __version__
from sparcl.Results import Found, Retrieved
MAX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT = 3.1 # seconds
MAX_READ_TIMEOUT = 150 * 60 # seconds
MAX_NUM_RECORDS_RETRIEVED = int(24e3) # Minimum Hard Limit = 25,000
#!MAX_NUM_RECORDS_RETRIEVED = int(5e4) #@@@ Reduce !!!
_pat_hosts = [
# Upload to PyPi:
# python3 -m build --wheel
# twine upload dist/*
# Use Google Style Python Docstrings so autogen of Sphinx doc works:
# https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/extensions/example_google.html
# https://sphinxcontrib-napoleon.readthedocs.io/en/latest/example_google.html
# Use sphinx-doc emacs minor mode to insert docstring skeleton.
# C-c M-d in function/method def
# ### Generate documentation:
# cd ~/sandbox/sparclclient
# sphinx-apidoc -f -o source sparcl
# make html
# firefox -new-tab "`pwd`/build/html/index.html"
# Using HTTPie (http://httpie.org):
# http :8030/sparc/version
# specids = [394069118933821440, 1355741587413428224, 1355617892355303424,
# 1355615143576233984, 1355661872820414464, 1355755331308775424,
# 1355716848401803264]
# client = client.SparclClient(url='http://localhost:8030/sparc')
# client.retrieve(specids)[0].keys() # >> dict_keys(['flux','loglam'])
# data0 = client.retrieve(specids,columns='flux')
# f'{len(str(data0)):,}' # -> '3,435,687'
# dataall = client.retrieve(specids,columns=allc)
# f'{len(str(dataall)):,}' # -> '27,470,052'
_PROD = "https://astrosparcl.datalab.noirlab.edu" # noqa: E221
_STAGE = "https://sparclstage.datalab.noirlab.edu" # noqa: E221
_PAT = "https://sparc1.datalab.noirlab.edu" # noqa: E221
_DEV = "http://localhost:8050" # noqa: E221
# client_version = pkg_resources.require("sparclclient")[0].version
client_version = __version__
# ## Convenience Functions
# Following can be done with:
# set.intersection(*sets)
#!def intersection(*lists):
#! """Return intersection of all LISTS."""
#! return set(lists[0]).intersection(*lists[1:])
class TokenAuth(AuthBase):
"""Attaches HTTP Token Authentication to the given Request object."""
def __init__(self, token):
# setup any auth-related data here
self.token = token
def __call__(self, request):
# modify and return the request
request.headers["Authorization"] = self.token
return request
# ## The Client class
class SparclClient: # was SparclApi()
"""Provides interface to SPARCL Server.
When using this to report a bug, set verbose to True. Also print
your instance of this. The results will include important info
about the Client and Server that is usefule to Developers.
url (:obj:`str`, optional): Base URL of SPARCL Server. Defaults
to 'https://astrosparcl.datalab.noirlab.edu'.
verbose (:obj:`bool`, optional): Default verbosity is set to
False for all client methods.
connect_timeout (:obj:`float`, optional): Number of seconds to
wait to establish connection with server. Defaults to
read_timeout (:obj:`float`, optional): Number of seconds to
wait for server to send a response. Generally time to
wait for first byte. Defaults to 5400.
>>> client = SparclClient()
Exception: Object creation compares the version from the
Server against the one expected by the Client. Throws an
error if the Client is a major version or more behind.
KNOWN_GOOD_API_VERSION = 12.0 # @@@ Change when Server version incremented
def __init__(
connect_timeout=1.1, # seconds
read_timeout=90 * 60, # seconds
"""Create client instance."""
session = requests.Session()
self.session = session
self.session.auth = None
self.rooturl = url.rstrip("/") # eg. "http://localhost:8050"
self.apiurl = f"{self.rooturl}/sparc"
self.apiversion = None
self.token = None
self.verbose = verbose
self.show_curl = show_curl # Show CURL equivalent of client method
#!self.internal_names = internal_names
self.c_timeout = min(
MAX_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, float(connect_timeout)
) # seconds
self.r_timeout = min(MAX_READ_TIMEOUT, float(read_timeout)) # seconds
# require response within this num seconds
# https://2.python-requests.org/en/master/user/advanced/#timeouts
# (connect timeout, read timeout) in seconds
self.timeout = (self.c_timeout, self.r_timeout)
# @@@ read timeout should be a function of the POST payload size
if verbose:
# Get API Version
endpoint = f"{self.apiurl}/version/"
verstr = requests.get(endpoint, timeout=self.timeout).content
except requests.ConnectionError as err:
msg = f"Could not connect to {endpoint}. {str(err)}"
if urlparse(url).hostname in _pat_hosts:
msg += "Did you enable VPN?"
raise ex.ServerConnectionError(msg) from None # disable chaining
self.apiversion = float(verstr)
expected_api = SparclClient.KNOWN_GOOD_API_VERSION
if (int(self.apiversion) - int(expected_api)) >= 1:
msg = (
f"The SPARCL Client you are running expects an older "
f"version of the API services. "
f'Please upgrade to the latest "sparclclient". '
f"The Client you are using expected version "
f"{SparclClient.KNOWN_GOOD_API_VERSION} but got "
f"{self.apiversion} from the SPARCL Server "
f"at {self.apiurl}."
raise Exception(msg)
self.clientversion = client_version
self.fields = Fields(self.apiurl)
# END __init__()
def __repr__(self):
#!f' internal_names={self.internal_names},'
return (
f" api:{self.apiversion},"
f" {self.apiurl},"
f" client_hash={ut.githash()},"
f" verbose={self.verbose},"
f" connect_timeout={self.c_timeout},"
f" read_timeout={self.r_timeout})"
def login(self, email, password=None):
"""Login to the SPARCL service.
email (:obj:`str`): User login email.
password (:obj:`str`, optional): User SSO password.
If not given, the output will prompt the user
to enter in their SSO password.
>> client = SparclClient()
>> client.login('test_user@noirlab.edu', 'testpw')
Logged in successfully with email='test_user@noirlab.edu'
if email is None: # "logout"
old_email = self.session.auth[0] if self.session.auth else None
self.session.auth = None
self.token = None
f"Logged-out successfully. "
f" Previously logged-in with email {old_email}."
return None
if password is None:
password = getpass.getpass(prompt="SSO Password: ")
url = f"{self.apiurl}/get_token/"
# print(f'login: get_token {url=}')
res = requests.post(
json=dict(email=email, password=password),
#!print(f"DBG: {res.content=}")
self.token = res.json()
self.session.auth = (email, password)
except Exception:
self.session.auth = None
self.token = None
msg = (
"Could not login with given credentials."
' Reverted to "Anonymous" user.'
return msg
print(f"Logged in successfully with {email=}")
return None
def logout(self):
"""Logout of the SPARCL service.
>>> client = SparclClient()
>>> client.logout()
Logged-out successfully. Previously logged-in with email None.
return self.login(None)
def authorized(self):
auth = TokenAuth(self.token) if self.token else None
response = requests.get(
f"{self.apiurl}/auth_status/", auth=auth, timeout=self.timeout
auth_status = response.json()
#! print(f"DBG authorized: {auth_status=}")
username = auth_status.get("Loggedin_User")
#! all_private_drs = set(auth_status.get("All_Private_Datasets"))
all_public_drs = set(auth_status.get("All_Public_Datasets"))
auth_drs = set(auth_status.get("Authorized_Private_Datasets"))
res = dict(
Loggedin_As=username, # email
Authorized_Datasets=auth_drs | all_public_drs,
#! Unauthorized_Datasets=all_private_drs - auth_drs,
#! All_Private_Datasets=all_private_drs,
#! All_Datasets=all_drs,
return res
def all_datasets(self):
"""Set of all DataSets available from Server"""
return self.fields.all_drs
def get_default_fields(self, *, dataset_list=None):
"""Get fields tagged as 'default' that are in DATASET_LIST.
These are the fields used for the DEFAULT value of the include
parameter of client.retrieve().
dataset_list (:obj:`list`, optional): List of data sets from
which to get the default fields. Defaults to None, which
will return the intersection of default fields in all
data sets hosted on the SPARCL database.
List of fields tagged as 'default' from DATASET_LIST.
>>> client = SparclClient()
>>> client.get_default_fields()
['dec', 'flux', 'ra', 'sparcl_id', 'specid', 'wavelength']
if dataset_list is None:
dataset_list = self.fields.all_drs
assert isinstance(
dataset_list, (list, set)
), f"DATASET_LIST must be a list. Found {dataset_list}"
common = set(self.fields.common(dataset_list))
union = self.fields.default_retrieve_fields(dataset_list=dataset_list)
return sorted(common.intersection(union))
def get_all_fields(self, *, dataset_list=None):
"""Get fields tagged as 'all' that are in DATASET_LIST.
These are the fields used for the ALL value of the include parameter
of client.retrieve().
dataset_list (:obj:`list`, optional): List of data sets from
which to get all fields. Defaults to None, which
will return the intersection of all fields in all
data sets hosted on the SPARCL database.
List of fields tagged as 'all' from DATASET_LIST.
>>> client = SparclClient()
>>> client.get_all_fields()
['data_release', 'datasetgroup', 'dateobs', 'dateobs_center', 'dec', 'exptime', 'flux', 'instrument', 'ivar', 'mask', 'model', 'ra', 'redshift', 'redshift_err', 'redshift_warning', 'site', 'sparcl_id', 'specid', 'specprimary', 'spectype', 'survey', 'targetid', 'telescope', 'wave_sigma', 'wavelength', 'wavemax', 'wavemin']
""" # noqa: E501
common = set(self.fields.common(dataset_list))
union = self.fields.all_retrieve_fields(dataset_list=dataset_list)
return sorted(common.intersection(union))
def _validate_science_fields(self, science_fields, *, dataset_list=None):
"""Raise exception if any field name in SCIENCE_FIELDS is
not registered in at least one of DATASET_LIST."""
if dataset_list is None:
dataset_list = self.fields.all_drs
all = set(self.fields.common(dataset_list=dataset_list))
unk = set(science_fields) - all
if len(unk) > 0:
drs = self.fields.all_drs if dataset_list is None else dataset_list
msg = (
f'Unknown fields "{",".join(unk)}" given '
f'for DataSets {",".join(drs)}. '
f'Allowed fields are: {",".join(all)}. '
raise ex.UnknownField(msg)
return True
def _common_internal(self, *, science_fields=None, dataset_list=None):
science_fields, dataset_list=dataset_list
if dataset_list is None:
dataset_list = self.fields.all_drs
if science_fields is None:
science_fields = self.fields.all_fields
common = self.fields.common_internal(dataset_list)
flds = set()
for dr in dataset_list:
for sn in science_fields:
flds.add(self.fields._internal_name(sn, dr))
return common.intersection(flds)
# Return Science Field Names (not Internal)
def get_available_fields(self, *, dataset_list=None):
"""Get subset of fields that are in all (or selected) DATASET_LIST.
This may be a bigger list than will be used with the ALL keyword to
dataset_list (:obj:`list`, optional): List of data sets from
which to get available fields. Defaults to None, which
will return the intersection of all available fields in
all data sets hosted on the SPARCL database.
Set of fields available from data sets in DATASET_LIST.
>>> client = SparclClient()
>>> sorted(client.get_available_fields())
['data_release', 'datasetgroup', 'dateobs', 'dateobs_center', 'dec', 'exptime', 'extra_files', 'file', 'flux', 'instrument', 'ivar', 'mask', 'model', 'ra', 'redshift', 'redshift_err', 'redshift_warning', 'site', 'sparcl_id', 'specid', 'specprimary', 'spectype', 'survey', 'targetid', 'telescope', 'updated', 'wave_sigma', 'wavelength', 'wavemax', 'wavemin']
""" # noqa: E501
drs = self.fields.all_drs if dataset_list is None else dataset_list
every = [set(self.fields.n2o[dr]) for dr in drs]
return set.intersection(*every)
def version(self):
"""Return version of Server Rest API used by this client.
If the Rest API changes such that the Major version increases,
a new version of this module will likely need to be used.
API version (:obj:`float`).
>>> client = SparclClient()
>>> client.version
if self.apiversion is None:
response = requests.get(
f"{self.apiurl}/version", timeout=self.timeout, cache=True
self.apiversion = float(response.content)
return self.apiversion
def find(
constraints={}, # dict(fname) = [op, param, ...]
#! exclude_unauth = True, # Not implemented yet
# count=False,
# dataset_list=None,
"""Find records in the SPARCL database.
outfields (:obj:`list`, optional): List of fields to return.
Only CORE fields may be passed to this parameter.
Defaults to None, which will return only the sparcl_id
and _dr fields.
constraints (:obj:`dict`, optional): Key-Value pairs of
constraints to place on the record selection. The Key
part of the Key-Value pair is the field name and the
Value part of the Key-Value pair is a list of values.
Defaults to no constraints. This will return all records in the
database subject to restrictions imposed by the ``limit``
limit (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of records to
return. Defaults to 500.
sort (:obj:`list`, optional): Comma separated list of fields
to sort by. Defaults to None. (no sorting)
verbose (:obj:`bool`, optional): Set to True for in-depth return
statement. Defaults to False.
:class:`~sparcl.Results.Found`: Contains header and records.
>>> client = SparclClient()
>>> outs = ['sparcl_id', 'ra', 'dec']
>>> cons = {'spectype': ['GALAXY'], 'redshift': [0.5, 0.9]}
>>> found = client.find(outfields=outs, constraints=cons)
>>> sorted(list(found.records[0].keys()))
['_dr', 'dec', 'ra', 'sparcl_id']
# dataset_list (:obj:`list`, optional): List of data sets from
# which to find records. Defaults to None, which
# will find records in all data sets hosted on the SPARC
# database.
verbose = self.verbose if verbose is None else verbose
# Let "outfields" default to ['id']; but fld may have been renamed
if outfields is None:
outfields = ["sparcl_id"]
dataset_list = self.fields.all_drs
#! self._validate_science_fields(outfields,
#! dataset_list=dataset_list) # DLS-401
dr = list(dataset_list)[0]
if len(constraints) > 0:
constraints.keys(), dataset_list=dataset_list
constraints = {
self.fields._internal_name(k, dr): v
for k, v in constraints.items()
uparams = dict(
#! count='Y' if count else 'N'
if sort is not None:
uparams["sort"] = sort
qstr = urlencode(uparams)
url = f"{self.apiurl}/find/?{qstr}"
outfields = [self.fields._internal_name(s, dr) for s in outfields]
search = [[k] + v for k, v in constraints.items()]
sspec = dict(outfields=outfields, search=search)
if verbose:
print(f"url={url} sspec={sspec}")
if self.show_curl:
cmd = ut.curl_find_str(sspec, self.rooturl, qstr=qstr)
auth = TokenAuth(self.token) if self.token else None
res = requests.post(url, json=sspec, auth=auth, timeout=self.timeout)
if res.status_code != 200:
if verbose and ("traceback" in res.json()):
print(f'DBG: Server traceback=\n{res.json()["traceback"]}')
raise ex.genSparclException(res, verbose=self.verbose)
found = Found(res.json(), client=self)
if verbose:
print(f"Record key counts: {ut.count_values(found.records)}")
return found
def missing(
self, uuid_list, *, dataset_list=None, countOnly=False, verbose=False
"""Return the subset of sparcl_ids in the given uuid_list that are
NOT stored in the SPARCL database.
uuid_list (:obj:`list`): List of sparcl_ids.
dataset_list (:obj:`list`, optional): List of data sets from
which to find missing sparcl_ids. Defaults to None, meaning
all data sets hosted on the SPARCL database.
countOnly (:obj:`bool`, optional): Set to True to return only
a count of the missing sparcl_ids from the uuid_list.
Defaults to False.
verbose (:obj:`bool`, optional): Set to True for in-depth return
statement. Defaults to False.
A list of the subset of sparcl_ids in the given uuid_list that
are NOT stored in the SPARCL database.
>>> client = SparclClient()
>>> ids = ['ddbb57ee-8e90-4a0d-823b-0f5d97028076',]
>>> client.missing(ids)
if dataset_list is None:
dataset_list = self.fields.all_drs
assert isinstance(
dataset_list, (list, set)
), f"DATASET_LIST must be a list. Found {dataset_list}"
verbose = verbose or self.verbose
uparams = dict(dataset_list=",".join(dataset_list))
qstr = urlencode(uparams)
url = f"{self.apiurl}/missing/?{qstr}"
uuids = list(uuid_list)
if verbose:
print(f'Using url="{url}"')
res = requests.post(url, json=uuids, timeout=self.timeout)
if res.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(res)
ret = res.json()
return ret
# END missing()
def missing_specids(
self, specid_list, *, dataset_list=None, countOnly=False, verbose=False
"""Return the subset of specids in the given specid_list that are
NOT stored in the SPARCL database.
specid_list (:obj:`list`): List of specids.
dataset_list (:obj:`list`, optional): List of data sets from
which to find missing specids. Defaults to None, meaning
all data sets hosted on the SPARCL database.
countOnly (:obj:`bool`, optional): Set to True to return only
a count of the missing specids from the specid_list.
Defaults to False.
verbose (:obj:`bool`, optional): Set to True for in-depth return
statement. Defaults to False.
A list of the subset of specids in the given specid_list that
are NOT stored in the SPARCL database.
>>> client = SparclClient()
>>> found = client.find(outfields=['specid'], limit=2)
>>> specids = [f.specid for f in found.records]
>>> client.missing_specids(specids + ['bad_id'])
if dataset_list is None:
dataset_list = self.fields.all_drs
assert isinstance(
dataset_list, (list, set)
), f"DATASET_LIST must be a list. Found {dataset_list}"
verbose = verbose or self.verbose
uparams = dict(dataset_list=",".join(dataset_list))
qstr = urlencode(uparams)
url = f"{self.apiurl}/missing_specids/?{qstr}"
specids = list(specid_list)
if verbose:
print(f'Using url="{url}"')
res = requests.post(url, json=specids, timeout=self.timeout)
if res.status_code != 200:
raise Exception(res)
ret = res.json()
return ret
# END missing_specids()
# Include fields are Science (not internal) names. But the mapping
# of Internal to Science name depends on DataSet. Its possible
# for a field (Science name) to be valid in one DataSet but not
# another. For the include_list to be valid, all fields must be
# valid Science field names for all DS in given dataset_list.
# (defaults to all DataSets ingested)
def _validate_include(self, include_list, dataset_list):
if not isinstance(include_list, (list, set)):
msg = f"Bad INCLUDE_LIST. Must be list. Got {include_list}"
raise ex.BadInclude(msg)
avail_science = self.get_available_fields(dataset_list=dataset_list)
inc_set = set(include_list)
unknown = inc_set.difference(avail_science)
if len(unknown) > 0:
msg = (
f'The INCLUDE list ({",".join(sorted(include_list))}) '
f"contains invalid data field names "
f'for Data Sets ({",".join(sorted(dataset_list))}). '
f"Unknown fields are: "
f'{", ".join(sorted(list(unknown)))}. '
f"Available fields are: "
f'{", ".join(sorted(avail_science))}.'
raise ex.BadInclude(msg)
return True
def retrieve( # noqa: C901
"""Retrieve spectra records from the SPARCL database by list of
uuid_list (:obj:`list`): List of sparcl_ids.
include (:obj:`list`, optional): List of field names to include
in each record. Defaults to 'DEFAULT', which will return
the fields tagged as 'default'.
dataset_list (:obj:`list`, optional): List of data sets from
which to retrieve spectra data. Defaults to None, meaning all
data sets hosted on the SPARCL database.
limit (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of records to
return. Defaults to 500. Maximum allowed is 24,000.
verbose (:obj:`bool`, optional): Set to True for in-depth return
statement. Defaults to False.
:class:`~sparcl.Results.Retrieved`: Contains header and records.
>>> client = SparclClient()
>>> ids = client.find(limit=1).ids
>>> inc = ['sparcl_id', 'flux', 'wavelength', 'model']
>>> ret = client.retrieve(uuid_list=ids, include=inc)
>>> type(ret.records[0].wavelength)
<class 'numpy.ndarray'>
# Variants for async, etc.
# From "performance testing" docstring
# svc (:obj:`str`, optional): Defaults to 'spectras'.
# format (:obj:`str`, optional): Defaults to 'pkl'.
# chunk (:obj:`int`, optional): Size of chunks to break list into.
# Defaults to 500.
# These were keyword params:
svc = "spectras" # retrieve, spectras
format = "pkl" # 'json',
chunk = 500
orig_dataset_list = dataset_list
if dataset_list is None:
dataset_list = self.fields.all_drs
assert isinstance(
dataset_list, (list, set)
), f"DATASET_LIST must be a list. Found {dataset_list}"
verbose = self.verbose if verbose is None else verbose
if (include == DEFAULT) or (include is None) or include == []:
include_list = self.get_default_fields(dataset_list=dataset_list)
elif include == ALL:
include_list = self.get_all_fields(dataset_list=dataset_list)
include_list = include
self._validate_include(include_list, dataset_list)
req_num = min(len(uuid_list), (limit or len(uuid_list)))
#! print(f'DBG: req_num = {req_num:,d}'
#! f' len(uuid_list)={len(uuid_list):,d}'
#! f' limit={limit}'
msg = (
f"Too many records asked for with client.retrieve()."
f" {len(uuid_list):,d} IDs provided,"
f" limit={limit}."
f" But the maximum allowed is"
raise ex.TooManyRecords(msg)
com_include = self._common_internal(
science_fields=include_list, dataset_list=dataset_list
uparams = {
"include": ",".join(com_include),
# limit=limit, # altered uuid_list to reflect limit
#! "chunk_len": chunk,
"format": format,
#! "1thread": "yes", # @@@ 7.3.2023
#!"dataset_list": ",".join(dataset_list),
# Do not put dataset_list in server call if it wasn't in client call.
# Else will interfer with defaulting behavior of AUTH (DLS-504).
if orig_dataset_list is not None:
uparams["dataset_list"] = ",".join(dataset_list)
qstr = urlencode(uparams)
#!url = f'{self.apiurl}/retrieve/?{qstr}'
url = f"{self.apiurl}/{svc}/?{qstr}"
if verbose:
print(f'Using url="{url}"')
ids = list(uuid_list) if limit is None else list(uuid_list)[:limit]
if self.show_curl:
cmd = ut.curl_retrieve_str(ids, self.rooturl, svc=svc, qstr=qstr)
auth = TokenAuth(self.token) if self.token else None
res = requests.post(url, json=ids, auth=auth, timeout=self.timeout)
except requests.exceptions.ConnectTimeout as reCT:
raise ex.UnknownSparcl(f"ConnectTimeout: {reCT}")
except requests.exceptions.ReadTimeout as reRT:
msg = (
f'Try increasing the value of the "read_timeout" parameter'
f' to "SparclClient()".'
f" The current values is: {self.r_timeout} (seconds)"
raise ex.ReadTimeout(msg) from None
except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError as reCE:
raise ex.UnknownSparcl(f"ConnectionError: {reCE}")
except requests.exceptions.TooManyRedirects as reTMR:
raise ex.UnknownSparcl(f"TooManyRedirects: {reTMR}")
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as reHTTP:
raise ex.UnknownSparcl(f"HTTPError: {reHTTP}")
except requests.exceptions.URLRequired as reUR:
raise ex.UnknownSparcl(f"URLRequired: {reUR}")
except requests.exceptions.RequestException as reRE:
raise ex.UnknownSparcl(f"RequestException: {reRE}")
except Exception as err: # fall through
raise ex.UnknownSparcl(err)
if verbose:
elapsed = ut.toc()
print(f"Got response to post in {elapsed} seconds")
if res.status_code != 200:
if verbose:
print(f"DBG: Server response=\n{res.text}")
# @@@ FAILS on invalid JSON. Maybe not json at all !!!
if verbose and ("traceback" in res.json()):
print(f'DBG: Server traceback=\n{res.json()["traceback"]}')
raise ex.genSparclException(res, verbose=verbose)
if format == "json":
results = res.json()
elif format == "pkl":
# Read chunked binary file (representing pickle file) from
# server response. Load pickle into python data structure.
# Python structure is list of records where first element
# is a header.
with tempfile.TemporaryFile(mode="w+b") as fp:
for idx, chunk in enumerate(res.iter_content(chunk_size=None)):
# Position to start of file for pickle reading (load)
results = pickle.load(fp)
results = res.json()
meta = results[0]
if verbose:
count = len(results) - 1
f"Got {count} spectra in "
f"{elapsed:.2f} seconds ({count/elapsed:.0f} "
if len(meta["status"].get("warnings", [])) > 0:
warn(f"{'; '.join(meta['status'].get('warnings'))}", stacklevel=2)
return Retrieved(results, client=self)
def retrieve_by_specid(
svc="spectras", # 'retrieve',
format="pkl", # 'json',
"""Retrieve spectra records from the SPARCL database by list of
specid_list (:obj:`list`): List of specids.
include (:obj:`list`, optional): List of field names to include
in each record. Defaults to 'DEFAULT', which will return
the fields tagged as 'default'.
dataset_list (:obj:`list`, optional): List of data sets from
which to retrieve spectra data. Defaults to None, meaning all
data sets hosted on the SPARCL database.
limit (:obj:`int`, optional): Maximum number of records to
return. Defaults to 500. Maximum allowed is 24,000.
verbose (:obj:`bool`, optional): Set to True for in-depth return
statement. Defaults to False.
:class:`~sparcl.Results.Retrieved`: Contains header and records.
>>> client = SparclClient()
>>> sids = [5840097619402313728, -8985592895187431424]
>>> inc = ['specid', 'flux', 'wavelength', 'model']
>>> ret = client.retrieve_by_specid(specid_list=sids, include=inc)
>>> len(ret.records[0].wavelength)
#!specid_list = list(specid_list)
assert isinstance(specid_list, list), (
f'The "specid_list" parameter must be a python list. '
f"You used a value of type {type(specid_list)}."
assert (
len(specid_list) > 0
), f'The "specid_list" parameter value must be a non-empty list'
assert isinstance(specid_list[0], int), (
f'The "specid_list" parameter must be a python list of INTEGERS. '
f"You used an element value of type {type(specid_list[0])}."
if dataset_list is None:
constraints = {"specid": specid_list}
constraints = {"specid": specid_list, "data_release": dataset_list}
# Science Field Name for uuid.
dr = list(self.fields.all_drs)[0]
idfld = self.fields._science_name("sparcl_id", dr)
found = self.find([idfld], constraints=constraints, limit=limit)
if verbose:
print(f"Found {found.count} matches.")
res = self.retrieve(
#! svc=svc,
#! format=format,
if verbose:
print(f"Got {res.count} records.")
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
import doctest